Philip Robinson
2 min readJun 20, 2020


Is Wimbledon on this year?

We all love a game of tennis:

Well-drawn lines and reinforced fences

Stop stray balls from claiming centre court,

Bouncing on screen like grenades from trenches,

Whose pins have been pulled and then retracted.

This could easily descend into calamity.

These random spheres carry more power than perceived -

Pumped with air and compressed chemistry,

They are harmless until a catalyst is introduced.

Carelessness could lead to stumbling,

Stumbling to injury and

Injury to pain,

Rendering a player unfit for the rest of the game.

So do not disrupt the prominent matches!

Here is where the championship will finally be decided.

The defending champion becomes defensive,

Goes on the offensive,

As the crowd seem keen on the underdog.

Spectators sit upright on benches,

Some sit in exclusive boxes,

Celebrities who need not be named

Are still recognised and hailed anyway.

They shout the loudest so their voices can be heard:

“Come on!”

Necks grow tired of the back and forth

Grunting and groaning,

Cutting and slicing,

Smashing and returning,

Until finally someone loses focus:


Double fault!

The ball is tangled in the tight-strung net.

An innocent child runs into the line of ceasefire.

The game is paused as this wonder of juvenile agility is applauded:

Running and crouching,

They retrieve the balls in one fluid motion,

Emerging unscathed on the other side.

They will have these memories forever,

Collecting souvenirs inscribed by heroes,


The game resumes.

The Umpire looks on with pride at how well the system works.

How quickly they adapt and resume their position,

With appreciation for order and precision,

They grow to know their place.

At one point the ball bobbles in the net,

Loses its momentum and falls hapless to the floor.




Hand raised in apology -

This is crazy:

A real show of sportsmanship

But not exactly the action that pulls the crowds.

A “Mexican” wave starts in the masses.

A demonstration of following leadership,

Even when the origins of ownership are up for debate.

The Umpire commands silence and stillness.

The players need to concentrate.

It is tense out there on centre court.

The game continues.

“That was out!”

One player screams and dares to approach the seat of power.

Their search for justice seems ignored

Until they use their last, remaining entitlement

To challenge an outcome that could change their lives -

Rules that have changed over time.

From now on their fate rests in mercy,

Kindness or blindness,

Neither of which can feature in the pit where professionals play.

Luckily, history has been recorded for all to examine.

The virtuous video validates the lines were indeed never touched.

The point is awarded.

The game goes on.

Will a new champion be crowned?

Doesn’t matter.

Don’t despair.

Tennis will be back again next year.



Philip Robinson

I write. To make a living — software architecture; To make a life — music, poetry and children’s books. see: